Designing a new track: give yourself an assignment

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Designing a new track: give yourself an assignment

Beitrag von GraviTraxRein »

Let’s make a new Marble Track. What shall I build ‘today’.
That’s one of the nicest things to say to yourself playing wit GraviTrax.
Followed by: what assignment do I give myself.
I noticed that a lot of builders (at Reddit) had mayor problems with that.
Let that be the fun part every time I think of a new track.

In this post, I'd like to list some of the tasks I've used to develop a new job.
The idea is that I briefly mention them here, and elaborate on some of them in a subsequent post.
It is meant as an inspiration.

Make three tracks starting from 1 point and coming together again at 1 point. Put the 1-2-3 gadget at the end and use coloured marbles. Make the tracks as different as possible, but make sure they are about the same length in time...
Highly recommended for children.

Longest track
The most fun is to measure your length in time (distance is too complex). After the first design, try to make the track longer or slower...

Working with turnouts
Make a track with as many turnouts and tracks as possible. Make the tracks merge. Goal: every time you start the track it is a different run.
Count how many different runs you have in the end.

Nice nicer nicest
Build a track that looks very nice.

Make several plateaus (the transparent hexagons) with a new pattern each time, with as little decay as possible (or no decay), and link them together.

Going twice
Create a track that goes up again and then visits the same plateaus (2 plateaus is my max so far)

Use all your (different) gadgets

additions from polymorphiced, a member on Reddit-GraviTrax

Reuse the same part of a track as many times as possible (I think my current record is 7 times!)

Spiral plus
Create as many paths as possible to enter a single spiral from different angles using various catapults, drops, jumps (my record is 5)

Load the canon
Load The Marble Cannon - start the cannon unloaded (ie with no marbles on it), then have two marbles travel to one side of it, followed by one on the other side to fire it.

High higher highest
Starting on the base plate, have the marble ascend as high as possible (it helps to have lots of the transparent floors!)

one ground plate only
Build a cool layout on just one base plate - this is actually what I spend most of my time doing

If you have another assignment you used yourself, post it below. I'll put it in the list above
I'm a real fan of Gravitrax.
I build complex tracks of 6 groundplates
I'm active on
I would like to work together. This Forum seems to offer things that are not on Reddit and visa versa
Site Admin
Beiträge: 256
Registriert: 03 Jan 2021 21:11

Re: Designing a new track: give yourself an assignment

Beitrag von webmaster »

Sounds great, thanks for your explanantion.
Think, you spend a lot of time using Marble rail.
Btw., which manufacturer do you use?
Gravitrax is a brand from Ravensburger, a big german well known manufacturer of all kind of games.

Most of interest is to develope extensions they do not have erveyone.
Current project is a small functional battery controlled ferris wheel.
Riesenrad_Gesamt_#3-2.JPG (21.07 KiB) 12854 mal betrachtet
When the latest build has been released I place a new picture.
Beiträge: 7
Registriert: 16 Apr 2021 12:40

Re: Designing a new track: give yourself an assignment

Beitrag von GraviTraxRein »

I only use GraviTrax.
Only in the past I build large SpaceRail tracks, but that is some years ago.
Last weeks I bought from a Dutch 3dmaker severall items.
On a different selling site, but the same man:

by the way, I discovered GraviTrax on a large boardgame 'festival'
I play a lot of boardgames as well, only in corona-times quite diffecult to arrange
I'm a real fan of Gravitrax.
I build complex tracks of 6 groundplates
I'm active on
I would like to work together. This Forum seems to offer things that are not on Reddit and visa versa
Site Admin
Beiträge: 256
Registriert: 03 Jan 2021 21:11

Re: Designing a new track: give yourself an assignment

Beitrag von webmaster »

I only use Gravitrax too.
A few month ago I bought SpaceRail to get the automatic lift. But the game himself is quit horrable and was disposed very quick.
Mostly I buy Gravitrax items on Amazon, cheap and fast deliver.

The most time actually I spend designing and printing special not buyable items for Gravitrax.

What kind of software, printer model and filament do you use? Or didn´t you desing and print 3D?

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